Points of Unity

These are our organisational points of unity, to which every member and sympathiser must adhere:

1. We denounce capitalism, whatever its apparent form of government, as a social system based on the exploitation of the modern working class (proletariat) and the destruction of the environment.

2. We denounce the self-proclaimed “socialist” countries; they are state-capitalist countries in which the state assumes the role of private capitalist.

3. We support communism—a global society without states, borders, classes, or markets—as the only way to save humanity from extinction under capitalist barbarism.

4. We reject all interclassist struggles and ideologies—e.g., nationalism, feminism, environmentalism—as alien to the proletariat and contrary to its interests as a universal class, whose struggle carries within itself the potential for the liberation of the entire human species.

5. We denounce unions and parliamentary elections as instruments of economic exploitation and political submission of the proletariat to the capitalist system.

6. We affirm, in this moment, the total decay of the capitalist system in all its incarnations—its inability to continue contributing positively to general social development—and the immediate need for a world proletarian revolution to overthrow it.

7. We advocate the establishment of a class political organisation, also global, to act as a compass in the class war, always pointing the path forward to freedom.

8. We agitate for the self-organisation of the working class and the formation by it of its own organisations of struggle as the only basis of its social power and instrument of its emancipation.

If these positions seem agreeable to you, or you would like clarification about them and/or our perspective, then contact us directly.